Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rippin' lips

Found. Trout politico. I'm pretty sure I know where this guy falls on the Gitmo debate.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Eggs Whatever

Found. Breakfast beer. Actually, the beer can be any style or flavor as anything will compliment this fine morning cuisine. The key to "Eggs Whatever" is to not be picky. Just be hungry. Many a culinary pro cannot produce such a feast. This will get you through a long day on the river...after no less than a couple trips to the outhouse first of course.

Nutrition 101

Found. Enough of the 4 food groups to sustain a living. But you can toss the eggs and the pita bread. The 3 day old rice (my estimate) and the "Old Mill" should get you by. Ah to be young and mildly healthy again...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good luck charm

Lost. The space between this guy's mouth and that of a fine brown trout. Though I am happy to report the creature was released unharmed...if not a bit bewildered.

Check your shorts cowboys and girls

Lost. This bronc's sense of direction. It looks as though he is running right at me and about to slam into the gait. And that is in fact what he did. A crude but effective method of bucking a dude off your back. Come to think of it, maybe his internal compass works just fine.

Calamity Jane on a Stick

Found. The 2nd Amendment fully intact. Apparently, this town holds a pretty strict parking code. At least on one side of the street. I'm almost positive she's not using a revolver. I digress.


Found. An entire pool of cougars just floating around and waiting for solicitation. Fellas rejoice!