Saturday, January 16, 2010

Here kitty kitty

Found. A serious discussion between myself and this girl, regarding the dimensions of her hand. "Do you have extremely small hands?", I ask. "No", she replies, "this mountain lion is extremely large." "Oh, in that case, do you know of any nearby port-o-potties?"

Just the essentials

Lost. Toothpicks. Vodka, whiskey, bloody mary mix and beer; whew!. Beef jerky; yes sir. Propane and charcoal; of course. Water; sure. Coffee presser; you didn't see that. A couple fishing rods soaking in a pot; check. Now where the hell are those toothpicks?

What a grand place

Found. A huge friggin' canyon somewhere in Arizona. So huge, I'd bet you could see it from space. Someone should write about this place. Seriously, its pretty big.